At our 2018 AGM, the Manitoba Section of the Alpine Club of Canada agreed to fund a community grant program through annual operating surpluses. This was in response to ongoing requests for financial support from members, other sections, and other non-profit organizations. It was decided that this grant program will consider requests that benefit our membership and/or align with the ACC’s mission to “promote alpine experiences, knowledge and culture; responsible access; and excellence in mountain skills and leadership”.
Following are some of the projects ACC Manitoba has supported:
Crag rebolting
Jones stairs (bank erosion abatement)
ACMG TRCI Certification
Green throne installations
Gooseneck access route improvements
The North Face Leadership Course
Climbing Manitoba
Application Process
There will be two application deadlines, May 15 and September 30 and funding will be subject to the following criteria;
Only individuals who have been members in good standing of the Manitoba Section for at least two years can apply.
Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received funding.
Normally the maximum amount of funding available per request is $2000. The Manitoba Section reserves the right in extenuating circumstances to consider larger requests.
To use funds provided by the Manitoba Section only for the purpose(s) proposed in the application.
To provide receipts for all actual project/activity-related expenses incurred.
That to the extent that the project/activity does not proceed, return any funds provided by the Manitoba ACC.
That 50% of funds will be held back (the Holdback) by the Manitoba Section until the project/activity has been completed and a report satisfactory to the ACC MB executive has been provided (see 6. below).
To the extent that project/activity related expenses are less than approved by the Manitoba Section, the Holdback will be reduced to an amount such that the total amount of funding provided matches actual expenses.
To provide a written report, write an article that is subsequently published and/or give a presentation to the Manitoba Section documenting the project/activity including sufficient photos that provide evidence of its completion, to the satisfaction of the ACC MB executive.
The Alpine club of Canada Manitoba Section retains the right to retain, publish, share and report any information related to this application.
Any publication or public presentation will acknowledge the support provided by the MB Section.
The ACC MB executive will review all applications for funding and will make a decision on which project(s), if any, will be funded. The Manitoba ACC reserves the right not to fund any projects in any given year. Decisions on which projects will be funded will be made as soon as practicable after the application deadline. All applicants will be notified directly of any funding decisions and the Manitoba Section will post its funding decisions on the ACC MB website as soon as practical.
Personal Information
Project Information
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